At the end of each day, after a hard day of work, and a day of lots of learning at school, a day of running -to one after school activity to the other-, this is the place we come back to; this is our dear home. Where all our things are. Where the objects we love are displayed. Where we cook our meals and dream our dreams. Where we laugh our best laughs and we argue our most intricate arguments. Where we play. And where our bodies rest tired and dream of another day. Someone asked me the other day, why don’t you write a post about your home on your blog. I said, well I'll try but my home is so sacred to me I think I would be crossing the line of my comfort zone showing pictures and talking about it. Then I rethought the whole thing and changed my mind. It is OK to cross -sometimes- the comfort zone. It is just a post and some pictures. Happy Sunday. A healthy and a peaceful week to everyone. ...
I'm Tina. I live in Madison WI, a city I love even in the winter. This is my personal blog. Thanks for visiting.