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Showing posts from August, 2016

Best of Fall: the colors of nature and these looks

Yes, Fall. Once more, time seems to fly in a way that it is almost scary. It feels like we just started our summer vacations, and here we are ready for a new season. And even though it is my favorite season of the year I recognize that it is a little sad to see summer transitioning into something different, into cooler temperatures and shorter days. On the other hand, there is not a more beautiful season than the Fall season, right? its colors and the beautiful transformation of nature in front of our eyes, its fashion trends, the Holidays approaching; so I'd say, bring it Fall. Here we are, waiting for you, Talking about things that I like........

10 amazing reasons why Facebook sucks

I read this and I loved it. My husband shared it with me a few days ago -in one of my rampages about why I hated Facebook-. I agree with the author of this content. All these 10 reasons are pretty much my reasons. This article speaks for me. Read up if you are interested.  Ten amazing reasons why Facebook sucks.  

My Birthday

I spent the evening of my birthday looking at this beautiful sunset. We went to dinner @ Maria’s in downtown Oregon and my only request -before heading home- was going to the Union Terrace in downtown Madison to contemplate the sunset with my two boys next to me; my kid and my husband. The Union Memorial Terrace never ever disappoints you. It is one of those spots in the city. It perfectly describes the spirit of Madison, but last night it seriously looked as pretty as it could possibly be. The sunset was to die for. That amazing golden light was all I needed to end the celebration of another birthday. It really was a gift from God to see those colours in the sky and reflecting on the water. I saw people running to the other side of the terrace kind of chasing the sun before it totally disappeared. I loved that, most of them college kids. I felt blessed and thankful for that view. Here some pictures from last evening. Have an amazing week, full of peace and good health, e...

Good luck, Dani

As you go through life, you encounter in your way many different people who definitely come to you to teach you something. Along the way, there are different groups of people you meet as an adult. Based on your values and the philosophy of life you have decided to adopt, you choose who you want and who you don't want close to you. You really learn to recognise the toxic personalities and the enlightened souls. Well, this woman standing next to me, who I call my friend, -her name is Daniela- is one of those souls you meet at some point in your life (as I said before, if you are lucky enough) and who makes you think that goodness, kindness, friendship, do exist out there. She is that type of person who positively changes the lives of people around her. She is kind and sweet and smart. She is a good mother a good wife and a good friend. She is an amazing professional.... and she is moving, she is ready to start a different path in her life and as we wish Dani the best in her new jour...

Lately+3 more weeks of summer break+SF

I've been away from this little space of mine for almost a whole month. Life's been busy. Very busy afternoon schedules with our little one and busy days at work. Most of the time I get home in the afternoons with and idea, a photo, an experience or an article that I would like to share but there is not energy left for me at the end of the day, seriously, (none whatsoever) to sit down and write anything. During the weekends, we have tried to be very aware of the beautiful weather we have had and the fact that time for some reason seems to be flying even faster that never ever before and so I haven't written anything either during the last 4 weekends but just trying to be outside. Anyways, I'm back. And talking about time flying by, only three more weeks of summer break. How crazy is that? How exciting at the same time. I get really excited to find out what new teacher we were assigned, what friends are in D's classroom, all that back to school shopping, etc... ...