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a birthday+a wonderful visit+time

A week ago, we celebrated our kid's 7th birthday. How fun to see almost 20 kids jumping, screaming, running, laughing for two hours in a row, never stopping, never taking a break, all sweaty and smiley having fun and eating cupcakes. You wonder where time went; how 7 years flew by so fast. Grandma came for D's birthday, from very far away and that was so special. That was really so extra special.

I was thinking last night how our kids and parents are always kind of a good time measurement unit, right there in front of your eyes, reminding you how awareness of the present moment is so important. Kids grow too fast; parents grow older and changes are more noticeable every time you see them. 

Good Sunday. Healthy and peaceful week to all.
Some pictures to share of a very cool birthday.

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