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Showing posts from February, 2016


We still have grandma for a few more days in town and we feel thankful and blessed because of that but she is leaving soon and that feeling of anticipation kills me, makes me (always) almost sick and feeling distressed. She lives too far away. We don’t know when she is coming back (hopefully very soon) and seriously seeing my 7 years old being with his grandma (even when he has a sassy mouth with her) makes me so happy. Knowing that she is there when we go to bed and that she is also there when we wake up is an amazing feeling. I hope one day we can convince you, mom, that your place is here, with us, even though we know is a very hard decision.

a birthday+a wonderful visit+time

A week ago, we celebrated our kid's 7th birthday. How fun to see almost 20 kids jumping, screaming, running, laughing for two hours in a row, never stopping, never taking a break, all sweaty and smiley having fun and eating cupcakes. You wonder where time went; how 7 years flew by so fast. Grandma came for D's birthday, from very far away and that was so special. That was really so extra special. I was thinking last night how our kids and parents are always kind of a good time measurement unit, right there in front of your eyes, reminding you how awareness of the present moment is so important. Kids grow too fast; parents grow older and changes are more noticeable every time you see them.  Good Sunday. Healthy and peaceful week to all. Some pictures to share of a very cool birthday.

Books we are reading+a few more things

oh, we enjoyed all these books so much. Our very favorite one: tap tap, boom boom. On a different note, Grandma arrives today and we are extremely happy. It's been too long since last time we saw her and we sure have waited for this day with lots of expectations. This weekend, on Valentine's Day, we celebrate our boy's 7th birthday so I'll share some photos of the busy celebration with a bunch of little monkeys jumping around, literally jumping around. Good health, peace and lots of love to all on this valentines weekend.

Six kids and gorgeous

I read this article on Mother Magazine a few days ago and I've been seriously thinking about this gorgeous mom, for days. Whoever is a mother knows how tough can be to find a little time for herself, to balance work, household routines, parenting, being a friend, being a wife-a partner and everything else in the middle, on a daily basis . That is if you have one kid, two kids, maybe three? But six kids is a different story. I want to hug this woman and as the article says "bow to her" out of respect and admiration. I want to talk to her. I want to ask simple questions like: how in the world you do it? How you all look so gorgeous? How do you clean a house of 8 and cook for 8 and do homework? How are your bedtime routines? How are your morning routines? Discipline? How you handle discipline with 6 different personalities? I want to ask her, how you do it, really, how? Anyways, enjoy the beautiful pictures of this very pretty family in San Francisco and the amazing inter...

February, favorite month of all

I wanted to publish this post on February 1st. but the busy life, right? The day my son was born, I was reborn. I've said this a million times and I will probably say it a gazillion more. I don’t and I will never have enough words to explain the way my kid transformed my entire universe and the deep love and growth he brought into my life the day he arrived. That’s way February is my favorite month of the whole year. It is the month when I got to meet –almost- 7 years ago the most beautiful, amazing, smart, handsome and sweet little boy of all, my boy. We will celebrate on February 14 th (of course, he is pure love) his 7 th birthday and I wanted to dedicate this article I read yesterday to him, to Diego, the little guy who switched all my priorities and filled my life with gigantic amounts of love. This article talks about what’s important and memorable in a kid’s life. Of course it is not toys, not electronics, not material things but tools, memories, love, mindfulne...