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I am planning on bringing to the blog a series of short interviews (very short) about how my favorite ladies, the ladies in my life, experience motherhood on a daily basis. These are family members, friends, coworkers, women around me that I love and admire. This is about them being mothers, it is a little celebration of their day in-day out efforts to raise awesome human beings. It is what connects me to them, it is what I can see in their eyes every time we talk about our kids, my and theirs. It is about that huge love I notice in their smiles every single time they pronounce their kiddos names. This is about motherhood, that big, wonderful and sometimes scary word.

In my efforts to describe what motherhood is to me I really need to say that I haven't been able to come across with a phrase, a single sentence, a word that covers exactly everything I feel and experience as a mother. In the end I think I have to understand that it is -at least to me- impossible to describe it, too big and wide of a feeling to really be described, put into words.  That cliche phrase -only when you become a parent you will understand your own- well, yes, that's how it is, only then.

I was looking for a quote (I like quotes) that reflected some of my own feelings as a mother and I found this one by Debra Ginsberg. I read it and it made me feel immediately connected to every parent out there, to the overwhelming love our hearts experience, it is the closest definition I have found to my feelings, here I share it with you.

“Through the blur, I wondered if I was alone or if other parents felt the same way I did - that everything involving our children was painful in some way. The emotions, whether they were joy, sorrow, love or pride, were so deep and sharp that in the end they left you raw, exposed and yes, in pain. The human heart was not designed to beat outside the human body and yet, each child represented just that - a parent's heart bared, beating forever outside its chest.” 

So here they are, two of my ladies. Beautiful, wonderful, amazing mamas.

Mother of three.
Sam 9-Ethan 7-Adelaide 6

Q. Can you describe in one phrase what does it mean for you to be a parent? Just one phrase.
A. Parenting is as close as I will ever experience to true unconditional love.

Q. Can you tell me what’s the most challenging part for you about parenting? 
A. Dividing my time fairly between my children, husband and myself.

Q. What’s your very favorite thing to do with your kiddos? 
A. Art projects - get out the art supplies and make a mess! 

Q. What’s your favorite thing to do for yourself if you have a couple (seriously a couple) of minutes to spare? 
A. Work in my yard and get some fresh air.

Q. What is that -one thing- you miss about your life now days that you had before you were a parent? 
A. Quiet alone time - time to do things that I want to do, when I want to do them, at the pace I want to do them... quietly.

Q. What are the greatest and scariest things about being a parent? 

A. Greatest: whether it's a goal scored during a soccer game, perfect score on a spelling test or making a new friend at the playground, there is nothing better than watching your children succeed! Scariest: Not being able to control how the world accepts and treats my children.

Thank you Cheryl.

Mother of one.
Lucia. (almost) 2.

Q. Can you describe in one phrase what does it mean for you to be a parent? Just one phrase.
A. A wonderful experience that makes me feel that my heart and soul have changed forever.

Q. Can you tell me what’s the most challenging part for you about parenting? 
      A. Knowing that you can’t control all circumstances and that you can’t always protect your child.
Q. What’s your very favorite thing to do with your kid? 
A. Hugging her, giving her kisses, playing together. Seeing her wake up in the morning with a beautiful smile.

Q. What’s your favorite thing to do for yourself if you have a couple (seriously a couple) of minutes to spare? 
A. I really loved doing hot yoga and this just reminded me that I need to start doing it again. I also love sharing time with my husband, friends and family, and creating new projects.

Q.  What is that one thing you miss about your life now days that you had before you were a parent? 
A. Sleeping late and without worries. :)

Q. What are the greatest and scariest things about being a parent? 
A. The greatest thing is loving someone so much. That’s also the scariest thing. 

Thank you Dani.


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