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Now craving

a few objects, clothes, views, food, toys, decor + more that Im craving right now.

1. salt and pepper
 2. chocolate chip cookies
 3. coffee, always coffee
 4. these two green lamps
 4. cherries
 5. key lime pie
 6. this beautiful decor
 7. the colorful rug
 8. these beautiful sandals
 9. being here, right now
 10. this peaceful room
11. this adorable ring
12. this decor
13. and this one
14. this one
15. and also this one
16. this toy (D would love it)
17. this backpack for D
18. all of them
19. I always crave pizza, I'm italian
20. these lovely earrings
21. this super nice necklace
22. these rooms for the little ones
23. a few minutes by myself, to read, write, have a coffee, think, breathe
24.  all of them, not the girl
25. all these toys
26. for the fall
27. I adore these
28. I love this room, especially the exposed beams
29. they would look great in my house
30. when we go to the lake
31. I want a pair of these so badly
32. like I need more of these......but they're cute
33. plastic boots, always cute & sexy
34. Im craving so bad for this view right now
35. the bike, not the guy......he's cute though
36. like them all
37. great for toys
38. a puppy for D

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