As I said in one of my past posts, being the center of attention really makes me feel a little awkward, I don't like it, I am not that kind of person who enjoys to catch attention and that includes having my picture taken. It is so not me to pose for a picture, I get really self conscious and embarrassed, especially if other people are looking, but my husband and I had a date a few days ago and he wanted to take a picture of me (I added older pics too from other occasions) and I decided that it was OK -once in a while- to pose for a picture and to share them here, in my blog. I am trespassing my comfort zone here, this is a blog of things I like, not about showing pictures of myself, but that's also OK. This is me, well a little bit of me.
It's been so long. I feel I haven't post anything in ages. Life has been seriously busy lately, that's why. And it seems that is the general tendency among friends. Whoever I talk to, they are trying to juggle a million things at once. That's life these days, I guess. The news have been scary, lately. Around the globe. Very scary. This year we have seen all kind of sadness, craziness, nonsense around the world. Even natural disasters have been horrific. And it seems it escalates year after year. To be honest the last few motnhs I have felt the need to hide, to retreat and protect my loved ones. To move somewhere where nothing can reach us, not even social media or TV... -especially social media and TV- But how? How we protect the people we love? How do we hide? Where do we go? Not sure where the world is going and if you have kids it can get really really scary at times. Is this the world we are leaving to them? What I'm sure about though is that more ...