To go or not to go SOLO -in terms of career- is one of the thoughts that accompanies me almost on a daily basis. Having or not having my own business is that ONE thought, dilema that never really leaves my mind. I am torn between these two simple messages that my brain sends: No, don't do it, it's risky and an unknown territory to you. Yes, Do it, you can do it. One half of my brain saying: Why would you do that? you have a flexible job, you work on what you wanted to work, you can be with your son right after he is off from school, you have benefits, you have time for your family, etc.... But then the other half of my brain knows that there is much more for me that I could be accomplishing, amazing ideas I would love to see grow, being my own boss and create somehow my own creative outlet, which by the way I've been craving for so long. And here I go again. I read this article-interviews -from - about these 5 fabulous women who were brave enough and beli...
I'm Tina. I live in Madison WI, a city I love even in the winter. This is my personal blog. Thanks for visiting.