I asked my friend -who is a teacher at a public school- a few months ago: what do you think, private or public? She answered: I will stick to public schools for my kids. I trust them. I believe in the public system. Right now, schools are a topic that live on a daily basis in the top of my mind. This year, in the fall, my little guy will start kindergarten and believe me the decision to what school to send him to has been huge. Coming from a different country makes it even more difficult. The American school system is very different from what I am used to, truly different, so vulnerability levels run high for me. However, I have done the homework to tour every single school I could and my husband and I decided which one was our favorite one. Which one we like for our kid. Now we are waiting for a transfer to be accepted. Crossing our fingers. I bump into this article this morning about some amazing public schools around the world. Take a look at the buildings and classroo...