A few days ago, I shared on my facebook page how crazy it was this year to pick up and bring home a Christmas tree. This is the long story made short: For some reason, we, our family, couldn’t agree on the size of the tree this year, we really couldn’t agree that it was actually a good day to buy the tree, we couldn’t agree on the price or the type of tree either and to top it off my little man didn't behave so well that day. Actually pretty bad ;) Oh I almost forgot, the guy at home depot, -where we bought our tree- was pretty rude to us, no idea what customer service means. But then, when our new visitor got home, everything changed. Christmas magic ;) maybe. Our tree looked really happy, really beautiful and we finally agreed that our tree was the right one for us. Our friend Audry asked me to take a picture of the tree and share it on facebook. Instead, I want to dedicate this post to her and whish her a very merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, peaceful n...